Friday, 13 November 2015

So that Consultant Test Manager.....

Well he's been in for a week today, we have bombarded him with info, he's taken a fair chunk on board, not done much questioning though, not sure why. I am sure it's not because we have covered all angles.
I should get a chance to see his strategy doc either today or monday, from what I have gathered so far it's going to revolve around the factory school approach. So he's looks like he'll be suggesting a more longer time frame, or higher resource requirement.
So hopefully in the next couple of days i'll get the time to talk through with him about an alternative approach, he does seem open to the ideas of exploratory testing, and context driven testing, he's just nervous about it in a project as I don't think he's ever taken that leap.

We'll see how that goes.

He is thankfully highlighting the risks for the business about what we are doing, and how much work is involved, so we should be viewing those more seriously now we have a paid for opinion on the matter, more on that another time.

What have i learnt from this week so far, just because they have years of experience, doesn't make them a better tester than someone who has a better understanding of the context.
That experience has helpful insights but it can also carry over problems from their experiences.

we'll see how the next week goes.


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